What is B-Translator

The codename B-Translator can be decoded like Bee Translator, since it aims at collecting very small translation contributions from a wide crowd of people and to dilute them into something useful. It can also be decoded like Be Translator, as an invitation to anybody to give his small contribution for translating programs or making their translations better.

Embed Translation Project Inside a Webpage

B-Translator is responsive, which means that it is designed to look nice on small screens as well, usually on mobiles. But it also looks nice inside an iFrame as well, so it can easily be embedded inside a webpage.
It can be done by using an url like this as the src of an <iframe> tag:

Here is a quick example to demonstrate this. Simply copy and paste this code inside a webpage:

Integration with other translation tools

Integration with other translation tools, like desktop PO file editors (Virtaal, Lokalize, etc.), web based translation tools (Pootle, Transifex, etc.), can be done by exporting and importing translation files. It can be done on the web interface, from the dashboard of a project. But it can be done from the terminal as well (if you have access on the server).

This is how the commands look like:

Translation in Context

In the vocabulary mobile app (http://v.btr.fs.al) I have implemented what I call translation in context. It works like this: when the user makes a Ctrl+Click on a string/translation anywhere on the UI, a browser tab/window is opened automatically with the correct url in the translation server (web application), where he can give a translation or a new suggestion for the selected string. Of course, for a normal Click the UI works as normally it should.

Importing New Projects

A translation project is composed of some POT files (PO template files, with extension .pot) and some PO files (.po extension) for each translation language. The name of the PO files should match that of the template (POT) files, except for the extension. New projects on B-Translator can be added both from the GUI or from the command line terminal (if you have access to the server).